Tutorial 8: Investigative Reporting and the Acts of Ethics, Case study on movie 'Never Been Kissed'

Well, as the title can tell, today's topic is about investigative reporting and the acts of ethics, case studying on the movie 'Never Been Kissed' which the lead actress was Drew Barrymore. Well, If you guys didn't know about it, here's a pic of the movie.

This movie talks about a lady, which name was Josie Geller. Josie was a copy editor for a certain newspaper and on one particular day, she was asked to write an article, being undercover, about high school student and to help the parents to be more aware of their children's life. She was asked to go to South Glen South High School and her days there were miserable. To cut the story short, she was awarded as the prom queen, she became famous, she was at the peak of what every youth wanted, being popular. At last, she told her friends about her being a journalist and then later confessed to the literature teacher that she loves him and will wait him at the baseball court for the kiss that she is waiting for.

Well, in the middle of the movie, she was asked to put on a  hidden camera wherever she go and it camera was on her shirt in the form of a shirt pin. So, this is what we are going to talk about today. Investigative reporting and acts of ethics. The discussion is about is investigative reporting  unethical?

For my answer, I could say that it surely depends on the story that one is writing about. If it is about those story on very serious like the current news, what use is there for people to go undercover and investigate deeply back on what they are doing? Just do a normal research and then you will get what you want. There is no need to go till that being undercover. And secondly, being investigative reporting, you will hurt someone in the process. For example, you are trying to get some story about a girl that died in the toilet. You went and investigate about the murderer and the results is that you found another similar case done by the same person on another victim and you went and ask her and made her recall back her bad memory that she is trying to forget. Does that sound ethical? I don't think so.

Being a reporter, we must know where our limit lies. Yes, the people deserve to know the truth but is there a need for people to know every single thing even the bad once where you have to leave your ethics out to get those information? And other than that, we must be ethical of what we does. Know where you ethics lies. Don't over exceed that limit that you set for yourself.

In the movie, they made Josie to wear a camera so that the whole company could know what she is going on and secondly, to give her stories to write. But, being that, is not ethical. The whole company could see her private moments like what is she were flirting with guys to get information, or what if she was in the toilet and the whole company sees all her parts? That is totally unethical. But in a way, the company could monitor her actions so that she could be safe and not be bullied by people around the school.

So for my answer, investigative reports, yes we can have it but make sure that it is ethical and it is under the limit that we set for ourselves.


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