Discussion Week 11: The Roles and Problems of Gender in Asian Civilizations

This is for week 11, where one of my best course mate is presenting for this topic. Carmen is the one presenting but unfortunately, she was ill and could not present well. So, she prepared a script for me and I presented it for her stead. So yeah. Let's get started.

This week's topic was discussed together with Carmen, one of my best reliable course mate that I've met. Better than someone else. So much better. It was about Gender and Inequality. When we talk about gender what do we normally think? Men and Woman? Like seriously? Hahahahahahaha. Yes. Most of us think of Gender or for some one else sex as this. Men and Woman. But try thinking it in a different perspective. Someone might have a different view of things.

So here are mine. In some parts of the world, I think in most part of the world, women are not being look at as important figures during times where World War 2 started. It only became an issue due to improvement of civilization. They only give more respect to woman after World War 2 when the world is at the stake of falling backward.

Inequality treatment in woman. Like how? Looking back in China. There have been so many dynasties and so many rulers of China but HOW MANY do you see them as a female? Or I should say, How many of them are Female? Only One. Wu Ze Tian (武则天). If you want to know more about her, there is a drama in China that talks about her. Go google it up. Find 'The Empress of China' and you will find it.

Women are being treated as not important back in that time. Their jobs is stay at home, take care of the houses, clean the house, take care of the children, cook, wash, take care of the elders and I guess that is most probably it. They have practically no rights on everything. Why does this happen? I think that is because the men always have the chance to go out and fight for the family. Where woman, they will just depend on the men, back in those days.

For a woman now, it is about their rights. What they do and what they have. Sometimes for some woman, they tend to misuse their rights here. It became something that annoys anyone when the woman misuse the rights. But I won't talk about that just yet. I will be talking about what they look forward to now.

Alright then. Woman nowadays tend to look more heavy on the money that they earn, they position that they have and a few percentage of them don't put their family on top. Some, they could not because of some factors but some they tend to neglect it by choice. They wanted to focus on their work and all but what will you do when you are old and things? So I don't feel like talking more on this. The more I talk, the more woman I will be offending, the worse ending that I will have.

I think that's it for now.
Thanks for being through with me for this few weeks.
The next posting will be the last. I will combine 4 discussion together as one.

So yeah


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